For more than 50 years, Feiraco has been a benchmark in the Galician dairy industry, showing that a sustainable model can be adopted in the livestock sector, thus generating employment and wealth in rural areas.

In 2017, together with the Os Irmandiños and Melisanto cooperatives, we embarked on a flagship project in the Galician cooperative movement, merging into a single cooperative: CLUN (Cooperativas Lácteas Unidas).

Discover the story of a great cooperative


The year when everything started. Union of dairy farmers of the Valley of Barcala


Construction of an animal feed factory


Milk collection and marketing


UHT long-life packaging and inauguration of the plant


Growth. New services: shop, petrol station, workshop, veterinary surgery


Feiraco milk receives the Carrefour award for best milk


Cogeneration plant


First European Award for Cooperative Innovation


Member of the United Nations Global Compact


Obtained the "Equality in the Workplace" mark. Family Friendly Company Certificate


Galega 100% certification


Award of the ISO 22000 certification to 9 dairy farms


Inauguration and integration in EUSUMO Network for the development of Cooperativism and Social Economy


1st Technical Conference with the participation of over 500 members and professionals from the sector


Posthumous tribute to the president of honour and founder of the cooperative, Jesús García Calvo


Joined the Sustainable Dairy Products Agreement


Member of the first annual meeting of the Business Representation Group on CSR of the Xunta de Galicia


Prize for the Best Agro-Food SME awarded by Carrefour customers


2nd Technical Conference with the participation of over 600 professionals from the sector


Alliance with the US cooperative Blue Diamond Growers to distribute Almond Breeze almond milk in Spain


Social Responsibility in Movement, awarded by the Xunta de Galicia to the whole team at Feiraco


Caixabank and the CEOE award the Carácter Empresa Galician prize to Feiraco for innovation


Feiraco introduces a new packaging: more comfortable, innovative and sustainable.


CLUN, the first Spanish dairy with Neutral Carbon certification in its Pure-Pak® packaging


Introducing Feiraco Semi-Skimmed Milk Lactose Free in 200 ml format


New Feiraco packaging design


IFS Food certification, which guarantees the highest food safety standards.

Currently we have 2,500 members and around 500 dairy farms, all of them concentrated in outlying areas of the A Coruña regions of Santiago, Ordes and Arzúa, which contributes not only to the quality and traceability of our products, but also to leaving a smaller carbon footprint.

Everything is important when caring for the environment!

Choose Galicia 100%

Your shopping choices also count! We are the sole Galician brand that bottles only the milk from the farms of the members of our cooperative. Do you know what you are choosing when you are choosing Feiraco?

— You are choosing the hard work of thousands of dairy farmers, who are committed to the rural world as a way of living, generating wealth in our land. They are the sole owners and decision-makers of the cooperative .

– You are choosing a business model without intermediaries in which the cooperative members receive a fair price for their milk.

– You are choosing the local economy. Our dairy products are zero km! All the farms are within a radius of just two hours of our factory in Ames! As fresh as it gets!

You are choosing quality from the very source. Only our cooperative can guarantee 100% traceability starting with growing our own fodder to feed our cows.

You are choosing Galicia. You are choosing generating value and sustainability in rural areas.

Our commitments

Our motto “Alimentando un Xeito de Ser” (Feeding a Way of Being) is the philosophy that best defines our values and commitments!

Quality commitment to delivering the best dairy products to your home in compliance with food safety practices! In other words: from the meadows to the table, quality from start to finish!

Committed to innovation. We are always coming up with new ways to improve! And that involves products, services, processes … We never stop!

Committed to our partners, whom we guarantee all the services, resources and training they need to carry out their activities.

Committed to our employees. Promoting equal opportunities and facilitating the balance between work and family life are some of the key aspects of our Human Resource Policy, and which is also included in our Equality Plan.

Committed to society. At Feiraco, we collaborate with different social entities and food banks in our area. We also support sports and cultural activities in our surrounding area. We like being close to you!