Since 1995 the Feiraco Foundation has worked to promote the educational, social and cultural development of Galicia, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility and Research.
Cultural patronage
From the Foundation, we support patronage activities aimed at actions for cultural promotion in collaboration with the town councils in our area of influence. Since 2014, we have been on the Board of the Museo do Pobo Galego, contributing to the promotion of its heritage and values.
We provide financial backing to the University Institute of Research and Development of Galicia (IDEGA) of the University of Santiago de Compostela and we contribute to highlighting the most relevant research in the field of social economy and the rural environment through the Jesús García Calvo Award for Research in Rural Development and Cooperativism: 2014 and 2016 editions
We collaborate with the ‘Clases sen Fume’ (Smoke-free Classes) contest, organised by the Department of Health of the Xunta de Galicia, by sponsoring this initiative that aims to prevent young people from starting smoking or at least to delay the age they start.
We are also Silver Sponsors of the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination to collaborate with the project of the public-private Association GAVI, dedicated to combating infant mortality.